Monday, November 19, 2012


Lockheed Martin F-22

Lockheed Martin F-22

     For over a century America has lead the aerial arm race. Over the years we have been admired, hated, and feared by are enemies and friends alike for are iconic aircraft. Up until resonantly America was the only nation with a 5th generation stealth fighter, dubbed the F-22. Its sleek and appealing characteristics have lead to it's nick name, The Raptor. The Raptor was seen by many as the leading Military fighter, but its possible that all that is about to change?

    The age of the Raptors superiority has ended. In January 2011 the Chinese government showed the world there new fighter craft ,the J-20 also known as the Chengdu. Not only does it have a higher service celling than the raptor but its said to also have Stealth technology.


    As if China's new fighter wasn't enough of a problem Russia has already started to flight test there new plane, Sukhoi PAK FA. The PAK FE is equipped with stealth and advanced radar systems, making spotting enemy aircraft easier for the pilot. Russia is told to be selling the new planes to North Korea, one of the USA's biggest threats.  

Sukhoi PAK FA

In the past US has been seen as one of the most advanced countries in air warfare,Only the Luftwaffe in world war 2 came close to challenging us, but now weave lost are edge. We Know longer hold the secret of stealth. Once again the sky's between the us and are enemies is equal.





  1. What do you think about this and what are we goind to do, create a more adavanced raptor. I like your titile though its an attention grabber.

  2. The US Airforce has actually said that they do not expect to make making anymore piloted aircraft,instead they plan on phasing out planes like the Raptor and replacing them with unmanned drones.

  3. Thanks for the info. I like the idea of drone aircraft. You have vairied and unique interests.
