Thursday, November 8, 2012

Is the ipad mini biting its bigger brother?


   Is apple making a big mistake, or was the former CEO wrong?

   After long months of questioning and doubt the the new mini is here. The new Ipad mini was released November 2 and has already received raving reviews from tech company's, despite the fact that it has a lower screen resolution and weaker processor than its main android counterparts. Apple is reported to have sold around 2 to 2.5 million units in the first day of the minis release, much higher than the larger 4th generation full size Ipad.

     Its really interesting to see how apples first big release, after the death of the former CEO Steve Job's, is doing, but whats really interesting is that Steve didn't want his company to release the new tablet. Steve was reported to have said, on the topic of producing a smaller Ipad, "It is meaningless, unless your tablet also includes sandpaper, so that the user can sand down their fingers to around one quarter of the present size."

    In truth the release of the mini Ipad has hurt the profits of the larger pad. nine out of ten people buying a tablet at a Apple store are getting the more affordable mini. Its hard to blame customers there is a steep price differences ( mini $329 full size $499). The only way to find out the clear winner of these to apple products is to wait.



1 comment:

  1. A good informational post. I was curious about the mini so I'm pleased to be more informed.
